Oct 30, 2020
Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Freedom, Humanis Dignitatae, begins by noting that its discussion of religious liberty “has to do with immunity from coercion in civil society” and so “leaves untouched traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward the true religion and toward...
Oct 22, 2020
In addition to being the host of Catholic Culture’s Way of the Fathers podcast and the author of dozens of books on the early Church, Mike Aquilina is a poet who has written songs performed by the likes of Dion, Paul Simon, and Bruce Springsteen.
Mike joins the show to discuss his collaboration with legendary singer...
Oct 10, 2020
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8zPXC9KscGs
The debate over Christopher Columbus’s legacy tends to go back and forth from cartoonish demonization to glossing over the man’s real faults. Robert Royal, in his book Columbus and the Crisis of the West, does neither of those things, instead giving a nuanced picture of...
Oct 6, 2020
Watch on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ve9oqQpCrI
Jeremy McLellan is a Catholic stand-up comedian who, strangely, is huge is Pakistan. He joins the show to discuss the woke takeover of comedy, the nihilistic dogmas of many comedians, the relationship between comedy and suffering, and the ethics of the word...